NURSING is a fulfilling and rewarding career. People from all walks of life are leaving their mundane jobs to enter Nursing and yet the United Kingdom is still short of Nurses as it is stated that the number of people training to be nurses has dropped well below average. There is currently 9000 nurses and the United Kingdom government has just launched a one million pounds campaign to recruit 20000 nurses in the next 3 years.
NURSING is a profession undergoing changes. Exciting shifts are being broken down. People with all sorts of unique abilities, talents and capabilities are coming into a profession which has a long and noble history and a dynamic future.
Nursing as a career will require of you a high level of caring and intellectual skill. Nurses are thinking practitioners who can base their practice on a sound knowledge of psychology, sociology, physiology and anatomy.
Nurses are now educated to Diploma of Higher Education level and much of their time in training is spent working with “healthy” people in community settings as well as studying theoretical aspects of care.
- Your own health. Nursing is demanding both physically and psychologically and procedures like lifting patients require co-ordination and skill.
- You need to have achieved the minimum education requirements of 5 GCSE’s or equivalent or be willing to take the Access to Nursing Preparatory course.
- As Nursing is a profession which involves a lot of contact with people, you need to be an effective communicator.
- You need to show a determination to succeed in developing your study skills. Nursing is a profession which requires not only that its practitioners are thoughtful but that they are committed to acquiring and using appropriate theoretical knowledge.
- You need to show enthusiasm for recreational activities or to have interests other than those traditionally connected with the nursing profession.
6. You need to feel that you can be reliable and have circumstances which will enable you to manage the demands of a career in Nursing. For example, some travel between the University and practical placements will be required. You will, during your training, be expected to work sometimes at weekends and during the evening and night.
7. You also need to look at our Access to Nursing Preparatory Course, Pre-Nursing Course and Preparatory Care Skills Course as these will enhance your chances of being successful at the interview and will also give you a broad-based knowledge of the training that you will be undertaking.

If you've the dedication we have the know-how.